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How can you increase your packaging design? Take a look at these 9 important design rules.

01 Charisma bias
People with extraordinary charisma are usually more popular than those without. The ideal facial features and body proportions will make the character more attractive.

Therefore, in the design, if you want to show the character, you must consider the use of "charm bias" rules. In order to show women, they need to enhance their sexy features, while for men, they need to show his wealth and status.

02 Conditional Reflection
A technique that relates a stimulus to a physical or emotional response.

For example, in a TV commercial, specific thoughts or feelings are associated with a product service. Beautiful characters will cause people to react positively to products and services.

Therefore, in the design, we will stimulate positive emotions in the viewer by causing stimuli with positive reflections.

03 Similarity
The "similarity" rule is one of the principles of Gestalt perception, where similar elements will be perceived as more relevant.

The creation of similarity will reduce the complexity of the design and increase the relationship between elements. It also establishes similarity through size, shape and color, facilitating viewer recognition and enhancing group effects.

04 Signal to Noise Ratio
Signal-to-noise ratio is the ratio of displayed information to irrelevant information.

In other words, the ratio of useful information to useless information in the design. We need to find the maximum "signal-to-noise ratio" by keeping the design simple, designing and presenting the most important information and content, and cutting back on the useless and unimportant information.

05 Savannah Preference
In fact, people tend to prefer grassland-like environments over other types of environments.

This preference comes from the idea that human survival rates are relatively high on grasslands. Therefore, there will be a preference for grasslands.

Therefore, in advertising design, if you need to describe the natural environment, you can try to use the "grassland preference" rule.

06 Simulation
We will mimic familiar objects, biological or environmental features to avoid danger or to enhance relevance.

In design, it is most common for us to mimic familiar objects to convey their important characteristics. Examples include iconography and naturalistic illustrations.

In terms of functionality, we also typically mimic existing solutions and similar designs to achieve results.

07 Fibonacci sequence
Each number in the sequence is the sum of the first two numbers. This sequential pattern is very common in nature. So many people believe that something designed based on the "Fibonacci sequence" is more beautiful.

In addition to applying it to overall visual proportions, the Fibonacci sequence can also be used to set text and spacing.

08 Facialism Ratio
The ratio of the face to the body is called the facial ratio.

An image with a high facial ratio means that the face takes up most of the space in the image. It will focus on the person's intellect and personality.

Conversely, it will focus on the person's body and sensuality. Therefore, in the specific design, a reasonable face ratio is set in conjunction with the theme of the image.

09 Top-down light source bias
People tend to think that objects are illuminated by a single light source from above, which is closely related to the environment people live in.

There is evidence that the object will appear more natural when illuminated with light from the upper left. Therefore, in a given design, a light source can be added to the top left to create a naturalistic and realistic feel, and one from the bottom to create an unrealistic and scary feel, please for beauty packaging design.

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